Quick update regarding Luminosity At The Beach

Hello Luminosity family!

Just a quick update to let you all know we’re still super busy to work on everything for next week’s Luminosity At The Beach event. As you might understand it is all a bit more compilated these days, especially with all recent changes and the current regulations.

Tomorrow evening there will be another press conference from the Dutch government in which new information regarding events will be shared. To avoid any confusion and misunderstandings we rather share all information at once with you guys after the press conference. That way we will exactly know what is going to be allowed for events and what not. Hopefully there will be some good news, which would really make all of our lives (and organising the event!) a LOT easier, so …. Fingers crossed!

Because we think it is important to wait for the press conference first so we know what can happen and what not, our plan is to post an update with all details latest early next week. We know many of you have questions still, especially about how you will be able to select which venue you want to visit for the event. This information will be shared as soon as we have all information available.

We want to thank you all for your patience and your understanding and we’re counting down to  next week!  

Much love!

